by His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
The body is energy.
An aspect of it appears to be solid, but it is only a certain frequency of vibration.
There exist many higher and many lower vibrations of the being.
Beyond a certain point in this great spectrum of vibrations, you lose the “visibility” of the Divine Reality, you lose track of the Depth of Infinity—because your physical stress attunes you only to this limited vibration of apparent matter.
But, if that stress relaxes, you can feel that the physical body and energy are the same.
Can you feel that the body is only free energy—right now?
You can feel a tension, an urge to want to hold something in at your heart.
But that is just your stress, your reluctance to relax, your suppression of Radiance, of Love, of profuse Happiness.
Let that contraction go, and you will feel the whole body radiate.
A universal process of “tuning in” exists which all human beings are involved in, at an invisible level.
Even the physical mechanisms—the complex organisms of body and mind—are involved in this process.
The gross (physical) aspects of the human body-mind-complex function very much like transmitter-receivers.
The gross (physical) body is a living bio-form.
It has the capability to operate in a field of energy, to transfer energies—and to be in sympathy, therefore, with fields of energy that exist beyond the physical body.
The body does not have any independent existence. It is not enclosed upon itself.
It did not arise on its own.
There is no seed inside it that brought the body into existence.
Likewise, every other dimension of the human being is not “inside”, but is simply a modification of a universal pattern.
The brain and the nervous system are merely transmitter- receiver mechanisms.
They are ways of participating in a universal field that is, simultaneously, material and energetic and psychic.
And, if the “self”-knot is given up, the physical body will flow with the great force, the great elemental field in which it exists, and will be much healthier and freer.
What will the collective of humankind do when it takes the discovery of the relationship between matter and energy seriously?
How do human beings make medicine out of the understanding that the human body is energy?
How do human beings practice diet, health, sexuality, and social relations on that basis?
How are the higher “knowledge” of physics and the principles of esoteric Spirituality brought into the daily practice of ordinary people?
And, then, how can humankind be brought into the greater awareness—and, ultimately, the Perfect Realization—of the Transcendental Spiritual Divine Consciousness, in Which (and As Which) matter, energy, and light are appearing?
If you are serious about such questions, I suggest that you study the Literature I have Written for just such a one as yourself.
Then choose what you will do.
The prologue is drawn from “Stress Chemistry and Whole Bodily Enlightenment” in Scientific Proof of The Existence of God Will Soon Be Announced By The White House!; “M-Fields and The Work of The Adept” in The Transmission of Doubt; “You Can’t Get There From Here”, a discourse given on August 2, 1980; and “Christ = mc2” in Scientific Proof of The Existence of God Will Soon Be Announced By The White House!
His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj (1939–2008) devoted His entire lifetime to revealing and establishing a unique means for human beings to discover the ultimate nature of Reality Itself, which He describes as Conscious Light, or the “Bright”. Avatar Adi Da communicated this Reality not just through words or philosophy, but by His direct Spiritual Transmission, as Conscious Light. Avatar Adi Da’s transformative Spiritual Presence remains alive and active, even after His physical passing.
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