For further information about Conductivity Healing, Avatar Adi Da Samraj, or the Reality-Way of Adidam, please contact us at:
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The fundamental urge of humankind-as-a-whole is to participate—not to be shut down, not to be thrown back on themselves, not to be treated merely as consumers who want this, that, and the other thing.
People want the opportunity of participation.
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
from Prior Unity
His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj (1939–2008) devoted His entire lifetime to revealing and establishing a unique means for human beings to discover the ultimate nature of Reality Itself, which He describes as Conscious Light, or the “Bright”. Avatar Adi Da communicated this Reality not just through words or philosophy, but by His direct Spiritual Transmission, as Conscious Light. Avatar Adi Da’s transformative Spiritual Presence remains alive and active, even after His physical passing.
An ADIDAM™ Practical Wisdom Website