
Here are books and products to support your continued study and practice of energy healing and the balancing of the body’s etheric energy.

The etheric is a process. It is a living energy. . . . Keeping the relationship between the etheric and physical right, balanced, integrated, and conscious is very important for health.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
July 30, 2008

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Energy Tools

Polarity Screens

Polarity Screens enhance the natural circuit of “conductivity” by polarizing the descending energy down the frontal line of the body and ascending energy up the spinal line of the body. Whenever the body is under stress, enervated, or out of balance, this natural “conductivity” is obstructed, so that a counter circuit of energy ascends up the frontal line and descends down the spinal line. Polarity screens work to re-establish the natural descending-ascending circuit of bodily energy. —Avatar Adi Da Samraj


Used by Indian Yogis for thousands of years, the hamsadanda—also called the “short crutch” or “meditation crutch”—is a T-frame typically made of wood or some other natural, energy-conducting material. By placing the hamsadanda under the armpit, you can influence the right and left nasal passageways. Free passage of breath through both passageways helps bring bodily, emotional, and mental energies into balance.


Twirling & Jet Lag

A Simple and Effective Method for Overcoming Jet Lag, Tension, and Fatigue

Twirling is a simple exercise that realigns and reintegrates (or “reharmonizes”) the physical body and the etheric body. It is used specifically as a means to re-balance the right/left energy imbalances, and Avatar Adi Da also recommends it as an effective way to help prevent and remedy jet lag. This booklet offers instructions on twirling.

The Green Gorilla

The Searchless Raw Diet

This book presents Avatar Adi Da’s fundamental recommendation relative to diet: the searchless, raw (fructo-vegetarian) diet. Searchless, in the sense that the diet is simply lawful management of a body in Communion with the Living Reality, free of the need to use food as a means to solve any kind of problem or seek any kind of ideal in body or mind.

Cover of Complete Yoga of Emotional-Sexual Life

The Complete Yoga of
Emotional-Sexual Life

The Way Beyond Ego-Based Sexuality

Avatar Adi Da Samraj spent many years elaborating His instruction on emotional-sexual practice with those who had come to Him for Realization. Avatar Adi Da engaged this heroic work to reveal how every possible dilemma about sex can be relinquished. This book presents a summary of Avatar Adi Da’s instruction on emotional-sexual matters, including His compassionate instruction on transcending negative sex-patterning, emotional immaturity, and all forms of seeking through sex and relationship.

The Yoga of Right Diet

The Searchless Raw Diet

This book presents Avatar Adi Da’s fundamental recommendation relative to diet: the searchless, raw (fructo-vegetarian) diet. Searchless, in the sense that the diet is simply lawful management of a body in Communion with the Living Reality, free of the need to use food as a means to solve any kind of problem or seek any kind of ideal in body or mind.