“Conductivity Healing is a provocative and outstanding book dealing with the complexity of life. In simple terms, this book is about restoring the flow of energy in a direction that supports aliveness, health and creativity. I’ve always known, as a physician and psychotherapist, that when energy is obstructed, illness and pathology frequently follow. This book—from the Enlightened and highly intuitive Avatar Adi Da Samraj—is an absolute treasure, revealing several methodologies that support harmonious healing frequencies for not only the physical body, but for the emotional and spiritual domains as well. I loved reading it. Highly recommended!”
—Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C
cardiologist and bioenergetic psychotherapist,
co-author Health Revelations from Heaven
“Conductivity Healing is an eloquent invitation to go beyond the limitations of physical being and understand ourselves as energy; to consciously be alive as energy and live our lives as energy in relation to ourselves and to others. The book gives a foundation of etheric awareness and describes various practices for magnifying and circulating life-energy. All dimensions of healing are covered—the physical, the subtle, and the causal. It includes many practical exercises to awaken sensitivity, consciously participate with the universal field of life-energy, and facilitate healing on all levels.”
—Debra Greene, PhD
author, Endless Energy,
founder, the Energy Mastery program
“Conductivity Healing will captivate you, drawing you into the life and spirit of Adi Da Samraj, and the gift of healing he bestowed upon the world—a gift you may find insightful and useful in your healing journey, and the journey of others you serve and assist.”
—Donald Yance, CN, MH
founder, Mederi Centre for Natural Healing,
author, Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism
“I am a physician who lost faith in the tools I was given to treat my patients, triggering a personal healing journal, and my discovery of the beauty and tremendous healing powers of both energy and the breath. After my life-changing understanding of the nature of health, I incorporated energy healing into my medical practice, and I’ve seen great benefits for my patients. It was therefore with great joy that I received and read Adi Da’s new book, Conductivity Healing—which I can now enthusiastically recommend to those of you, who, like myself, are seekers on the deepest levels. Enjoy!”
—Felice Gersh, MD
founder and medical director,
Integrative Medical Group of Irvine
“Energy, the energy body, energy transference, and energy healing are all real. Conductivity Healing, from Avatar Adi Da, adds a very important piece to the complex puzzle of healing with energy and healing with touch—and the simple, universal truth of healing with love.”
—Dr. Marc Halpern
founder, California College of Ayurveda;
author, Healing Your Life: Lessons on the Path of Ayurveda
“At our most subtle level, we are made of vibrating energy. Learning to measure and harness this energy will be the future of medicine. Conductivity Healing offers a time-tested road map, using the most profound tools of yoga (union) to heal, in the simplest and most natural way possible.”
—Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP
author, Body, Mind, and Sport;
creator, LifeSpa.com
“Conductivity Healing is a welcome addition to the world of health and healing books. In this book, energy healing is explored from the perspective of the Avatar Adi Da Samraj, and encompasses a wide range of practices and philosophies. Anyone who wants to become more knowledgeable about healing—and move to a higher energetic level—should consider reading Conductivity Healing.”
—Misha Ruth Cohen, OMD, L.Ac
clinic director, Chicken Soup Chinese Medicine;
author, The New Chinese Medicine Handbook
“Conductivity Healing is, as all of Adi Da’s books, a gigantic leap forward in the understanding of the human body and its relationship to what is commonly referred to as the subtle body. Adi Da reveals what no one else has been able to fully embody, authentically. This book is an essential study for those who practice and profess to know about esoteric and energetic healing.”
—Ed Reither
founder and director, Beezone.com
“I read Conductivity Healing in one sitting, and feel like Avatar Adi Da took me on an incredible ride of concepts to find happiness, understand self-realization, and attain pure consciousness and energy. As an Ayurvedic practitioner, Avatar Adi Da reminds me of an Ayurvedic physician—one who is always in consideration of the whole body, and what it means to be an uninhibited human being, conducting the radiance of truth itself. I am inspired!”
—DeAnna Batdorff
founder, Dhyana Center of Therapeutics
“Carefully crafted, Conductivity Healing offers a number of simple, supportive energy practices conducive to healthy living, all stemming from Avatar Adi Da’s unique and extraordinarily dynamic demonstration of full spiritual realization. Technically and scientifically inclined readers interested in subtle energies will find original material for further exploration and elaboration.”
—Scott Virden Anderson, MD
director, Yoga Science Foundation
“Though I am not a devotee of Adi Da Samraj, I revere many ageless wisdom traditions that tell us energy transcends our human form. This brilliant work offers practical guidance on energy medicine. Use these simple disciplines to find healing beyond symptom-based “cures”—for yourself and others.”
—Amanda McQuade Crawford, MA
medical herbalist and psychotherapist;
author, Herbal Remedies for Women
“In the 1980s, Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi introduced me to the science of energy medicine. One of his many insightful and inspiring statements: “In every culture and every medicine before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” Fortunately, the ancient methods of healing are resurging—acupuncture, Ayurveda, meditation, Tai Chi, and Yoga, to name a few. And energy medicine practitioners from every tradition, as well as scientists, are learning how to “move energy.” Conductivity Healing is an important source of vital information on this subject. The book takes energy medicine beyond the physical and emotional body, to the ways energetic flows can be enhanced through simple, transformative, and pleasurable exercises. These are pure, potent, direct, and effective “conductivity practices.” By practicing the methods described here, the “work” of healing becomes simple, ecstatic, intuitive, and radiant.”
—James L. Oschman, PhD
author, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis;
founder, Nature’s Own Research Association
“Conductivity Healing contains the practical and the sublime, offering doctors and health practitioners—and everyone—an opportunity to read and receive the most radical healing instruction, the way beyond all dis-ease. In these pages, the Master Healer, Adi Da Samraj, offers fundamental instruction on the critical alignment of the physical body to the subtler energies that sustain it, and explains the ultimate antidote to human suffering. Highly recommended.”
—Angelo Druda
author, The Tao of Rejuvenation
“Adi Da is a master teacher and spiritual realizer. In this book, he reveals the secrets of energy healing in relation to self, others, and the world. In his usual comprehensive and straightforward way, Adi Da gives practical instructions on how to conduct energy, how to consciously use the breath, and how the laying on of hands can be used as a means to heal and transform. This book is a must read for all students of the healing arts.”
—Dustin DiPerna
author, Streams of Wisdom