by His Divine Presence, Avatar Adi Da Samraj
By controlling the nervous system—or, in other words, becoming responsible for the nervous system over time and fitting it to intelligent practice—the body-mind-complex will tend to maintain a condition of harmony. Naturally, throughout the day, the body is responding to changes in the energies of the natural environment and to the various kinds of patterns associated with the natural cycles—such as waking and sleeping, for instance. The breath is constantly moving side to side, sympathetic and coincident with these other changes that appear and are noticeable in the environment. The body-mind-complex is always involved in the dynamics of the life-principle, expressed as two “playful” opponents.
However, that which appears as “two” in the body and in the “world”, that which appears as “play”, is simply a “play” upon One Fundamental Reality. By tendency, human beings have a rather primitive “cartoon” sense of mind and body. This “cartoon” is a reflection of the dualistic “point of view” of ordinary “experience”. In Reality, there is no such thing as mind apart from body. They are the same thing. What you see as body is only modifications of the One Prior Condition. You can become profoundly frustrated if you try to find some inner “mind” part of you that you can separate from the physical part of you. . . .
There are not two things, except in the sense that there is a “play”. Everything that is in your “experience” is a form of dynamics—a dynamo, a game of apparent opposites. But both halves are the life-principle, the single Divine Reality. Therefore, you must understand this, and enjoy a greater realization (or disposition) than that which is simply tending to be played out hour after hour. Yes, the breathing changes from side to side throughout the day and night, and your habits change during the course of a day, and you wake and move about, and you rest and you go to sleep, and you do all kinds of things in cycles, and you have moods and changes of state of all kinds. But every aspect of that is a modification of the One Essential Condition in Which you priorly inhere. You must always remember and fundamentally realize That Condition. If you forget to do that, and merely become involved in the dynamics of “experiencing” itself, you become ultimately frustrated by changes, by one-sidedness. All one-sidedness is always threatened by its opposite. Everything passes. Everything changes in the “play of experience”.
You must Realize your Identity with That Single Field in Which the body-mind-complex is arising. Therefore, you must enjoy the advantage of being able to transcend the dynamic “play of experience”. You must transcend the thinking mind—because it is only one half. You are afraid to die when you are thinking, and you are afraid to stop thinking. But it is just half of the brain. There is another half of the mind that is silent and receptive and does not contain any words. You must not only know the other side, the quietness of the mind, but you must also realize that Single Reality, Single Principle in which the quietness of the mind and the chattering of the mind both arise.
You must enjoy the capability to transcend one-sidedness in every moment. Be released from the opposites of psycho-physical life, and become capable of naturally intuiting and resting in the Prior Current in Which all aspects of the “experiential” body and mind and brain are arising.
From a discourse given by Avatar Adi Da Samraj on March 5, 1980.
His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj (1939–2008) devoted His entire lifetime to revealing and establishing a unique means for human beings to discover the ultimate nature of Reality Itself, which He describes as Conscious Light, or the “Bright”. Avatar Adi Da communicated this Reality not just through words or philosophy, but by His direct Spiritual Transmission, as Conscious Light. Avatar Adi Da’s transformative Spiritual Presence remains alive and active, even after His physical passing.
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